aquaponic system design parameters(aquaponic系统设计参数).pdf

aquaponic system design parameters(aquaponic系统设计参数).pdf

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aquaponic system design parameters(aquaponic系统设计参数)

Aquaponic Fact Sheet Series – Fish to Plant Ratios Aquaponic System Design Parameters: Fish to Plant Ratios (Feeding Rate Ratios) Wilson Lennard PhD Aquaponic fish to plant ratios, or more However, if we take a critical and objective look correctly, aquaponic feeding rate ratios, are an at what occurs in an aquaponic system, it gives area of aquaponics that have been much us a better understanding of what may be the debated. There seems to be many approaches most appropriate ratio to consider. to sizing the two main components of aquaponic systems (the fish component and the We all pretty much know that aquaponics is an plant component), whether in a hobbyscale approach where the waste produced by the fish context or a co ercialscale context. I often in the system is utilised by the plants in the say that ratios are the “Golden egg” of system as a nutrient (or food) source. This aquaponics as a reliable method often seems means that the fish are fed, the fish produce difficult for authors, operators and designers to waste and that waste is used by the plants as a identify! feed (or nutrient) source. Therefore, it is quite evident that if any balance is to be met, it is a Unfortunately, many of the approaches used



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