ansi z535.4–1998 2. american national …(ansi z535.4 - 1998 2。).pdf

ansi z535.4–1998 2. american national …(ansi z535.4 - 1998 2。).pdf

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ansi z535.4–1998 2. american national …(ansi z535.4 - 1998 2。)

ANSI Z535.4–1998 2. American National Standard for Product Safety Signs and Labels 1 Introduction or level of hazard seriousness, the probable consequence of involvement with the hazard, and how the hazard can 1 The design of safety signs for products has been be avoided. influenced for many years by standards originally developed for accident prevention signs to be used in 2.2 Purpose the general environment. As product safety signs evolved, some basic differences developed between their The purposes of this standard are: (1) to establish a characteristics and those of environmental safety signs: uniform and consistent visual layout for safety signs and Environmental safety signs are usually larger, observed labels applied to a wide variety of products, (2) to at longer distances, and frequently contain lesser minimize the proliferation of design for product safety amounts of information for visual clarity at a distance. signs and labels and (3) to achieve application of a Product safety signs are likely to contain more national uniform system for the recognition of potential information within a smaller format, are usually observed personal injury hazards for those persons using products. at closer distances, and must physically and visually integrate with a wide range of product size, shape, and 2.2.1 There are a number of existing American National color characteristics. Attempts by product Standards which are recognized for particular industries manufacturers to address these


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