环氧树脂基含水定形相变材料制备 胡大为.pdfVIP

环氧树脂基含水定形相变材料制备 胡大为.pdf

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12    * , , (1华南理工大学工业装备与控制工程学院粉体工程实验室, 广东广州, 510640; 2华南理工大学聚合物成型加工工程教育部 点实验室, 广东广州, 510640) :, , 、、 5 ∶20 ∶80。, , , 2 ~10μm 。 :, , , :TQ323.5 C on ta in ingW ater F iguration Phase Chang eM ateria l Preparation by Epoxy R esin B asal Body HU D a-w e,i HU X iao-fan, LIN L-i y ing (Pow de Labo ato y of Indust ia l Equ ipm en t and Cont o l Enginee ing Schoo l K ey Labo ato y of Po lym e P ocessing Eng inee ing, M inist y of Education, South China Un ive sity of T echno logy, Guangzhou 5 10640, Guangdong, China)  Ab stract:Containing w ate phase change m a te ia ls have eno m ous heat sto age capacity. Th ough using the su- face active agen,t d ispe sing the w ate into the low m elt po int pa affin, based on the w eigh t a tio ofw a te, low m e lt point pa affin, epoxy esin is 5 ∶20 ∶80, the containing w ate phase change m a te ia lw as yie lded. The m ic oscopy a- nalysis evea ls that the pa affin and w a te inclusion bodies a e unifo m ity dispe sion in the basa l body, the inclusion body show as the shuttle, and the pa tic le diam ete of the inclusion body bewt een 2 ~10μm.  K ey words:figu ation phase change, conta in ing w ate, inclusion body, epoxy esin basa l body   (PCM s) , 、 , 、 、 , 、 , , [1 ~5] 。 。 , () -:、 [7, 8] ( ), 、 。- 。 , 2 , :, - , , -, , , 、、、, , ;, 。 。 , -(S-S ),


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