新时期加大利度推动街道残联相关工作(In the new period, we should increase the interest and promote the relevant work of the street CDPF).docVIP

新时期加大利度推动街道残联相关工作(In the new period, we should increase the interest and promote the relevant work of the street CDPF).doc

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新时期加大利度推动街道残联相关工作(In the new period, we should increase the interest and promote the relevant work of the street CDPF)

新时期加大利度推动街道残联相关工作(In the new period, we should increase the interest and promote the relevant work of the street CDPF) In the new era and new stage, the work of CDPF faces many new situations and new tasks. How to emancipate our mind to keep pace with the times, make the CDPF really perform representatives, service and management functions, so that people with disabilities to realize equality, participation and sharing , to promote the cause of the disabled is comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development, this must have an active spirit. Initiative is based on a high spirit, as a driving force, is a positive spirit of the state. We must do the work of the CDPF Give full play to the initiative, initiative and innovation in the development, in the initiative, the initiative in gather people, enthusiastic, passionate, full of passion to the disabled and disabled persons, effectively safeguard and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the disabled. A disabled federation requires initiative (a) CDPF work situation decision since the partys sixteen years, the Party Central Committee and the State Council proposed to establish Scientific Outlook on Development, building a new socialist countryside and building a socialist harmonious society and a series of major initiatives, Chinas socialist market economic system gradually perfect, comprehensive national strength has greatly improved, constantly to improve the quality of life of the disabled, disabled people continue to expand, the disabled to participate in social life to optimize the environment, work is becoming more apparent cdpf. The sixth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee on the construction of socialist harmonious society certain major issue decision clearly pointed out: the development to help the old, disabled, orphans and the poor, as the focus of social welfare. Carry forward the humanitarian spirit, develop the cause of the disabled, and protect the legitimate rights and inte


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