吉林制药没有尽头的重组之路管理(Jilin pharmaceutical no end of the restructuring of the road management).doc

吉林制药没有尽头的重组之路管理(Jilin pharmaceutical no end of the restructuring of the road management).doc

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吉林制药没有尽头的重组之路管理(Jilin pharmaceutical no end of the restructuring of the road management)

吉林制药没有尽头的重组之路管理(Jilin pharmaceutical no end of the restructuring of the road management) In March 28th, as has long been suspended in Jilin Pharmaceutical (000545.SZ) the date of resumption of trading, investors did not due to a major restructuring of the resumption of joy, because they have been numb: the reorganization of the four three years, four failed. Wolf come the reorganization of the way, but also to Jilin pharmaceutical was dubbed A shares poison and most Huyou listed company name. Jilin pharmaceutical is no longer a pharmaceutical company, because the focus of attention is restructuring, Ampang consulting pharmaceutical industry analyst dawn told times weekly reporter. Where is the fifth reorganization road? March 22, 2011 Jilin pharmaceutical company released announcement: the company is planning a major asset reorganization, the company stock has been suspended since February 25th, and is currently on the major asset restructuring matters in-depth analysis and demonstration, etc.. This is the third time since the Jilin pharmaceutical company issued the reorganization announcement in March, and it is also the fifth reorganization announcement in three years. The announcement came just 19 days before the last restructuring failed. After Jilin pharmaceutical declared: affected by the macro-control of real estate, after restructuring and broadcasting group does not have the basis for the implementation of the application documents, the relevant parties to apply to the Commission to withdraw the major asset reorganization In early 2010, as the fourth reorganization of Jilin pharmaceutical, Jilin pharmaceutical intends to use all existing assets, liabilities and related business sold to Jilin Kimcheon group, real estate broadcasting to all shareholders of non-public offering of shares to buy its holdings of 100% stake in real estate broadcasting. If the reorganization is completed, Jilin pharmaceutical will be hollowed out, the original pharmaceutical busine


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