意拳推手训练所经过的五个阶段(The five stage after training boxing promoter).doc

意拳推手训练所经过的五个阶段(The five stage after training boxing promoter).doc

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意拳推手训练所经过的五个阶段(The five stage after training boxing promoter)

意拳推手训练所经过的五个阶段(The five stage after training boxing promoter) The five stage after training boxing promoter Xingyi training right must push through the following five procedures: {1} has an attacking round of the wheel In the training of the elementary round, although the two sides just contact this form of training, but must take the offensive consciousness. In the practice of fixed pattern practice, always point to each others midline to develop a sensitive tactile response to the forearm, skin and nerves. {2} is pushing the two stage attack consciousness After a period of play round after the exercise, the two sides have a certain understanding of the strength, they will have to carry out technical training. Push or partial, or spin, or hanging, or hair, the two sides should concentrate, carefully observe each others strength, once found the opportunity to attack at once, usually give full play to learn and practice. But this time the two sides because the technology is not mature, the spot application experience is not rich, so use is relatively tight, not consciously use rigid force resistance and the formation of top cow phenomenon. This phenomenon is a necessary process of pushing boxing training, it is the embryonic stage of students from the basic to the technical application of the wheel, and marks the students push has gradually mature technology. {3} flexible attack stage with flexible use of various techniques After the top cow stage, with the gradual deepening of skill, technology continues to improve, the increasingly rich experience on the spot, is a fading force, various techniques have been mastered and can flexibly, can be done to understand each other and try to respond quickly, thus getting better. This greatly increases the consciousness of self - attacking and the self - expression of the pushing hand, so the pushing hand at this stage is more offensive. {4} flexible control stages for various technologies After a period of attack, we find tha



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