整理的中国哲学史试题答案(The answers to the Chinese history of Philosophy).doc

整理的中国哲学史试题答案(The answers to the Chinese history of Philosophy).doc

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整理的中国哲学史试题答案(The answers to the Chinese history of Philosophy)

整理的中国哲学史试题答案(The answers to the Chinese history of Philosophy) This article is contributed by doghub My answer to the history of Chinese Philosophy (absolutely useful) Recent scoring record of this post Control panel prestige +30 quality article 2008-6-14 23:20 First, the noun explanation 1, baihutongyi: Chinese five Han spoke with the difference, an important book of the unity of righteousness. Also called the white tiger, white tiger on them. Ban Gu, according to the Eastern Han Dynasty Dijian chapter four years (AD 79) Baihu meeting by the school debate the editorship into 4 volumes. The book based on a mystery of yin and Yang, five, explain the phenomena of nature and society, ethics, life and daily life; the door, to the social life and national system and ethical principles as the basic requirements, the actual is a new text meaning as the country of the regulations. The main notes are clear, Chen Li wrote white tiger pass Shu card and so on. 2, [benevolence] refers to a noble good character. Confucius regards benevolence as the highest moral principle and builds his own ideological system with benevolence as the core. Benevolence is the core of love, between the claims and their dear, put forward this doctrine. Peoples behavior is required to conform to the patriarchal system and to extend the principle of benevolence to politics. On this basis, Mencius further proposed the doctrine of benevolence. Lao Zhuang Taoism advocates appeared, that the avenue of waste, and. After the Han Dynasty, became the de Ren (benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trust) first. The Song Dynasty scholars to justice benevolence, benevolence is the origin of everything meaning. Modern scholars accepted the western bourgeois ideology and transformed the theory of benevolence, which changed from feudal patriarchal clan system to modern bourgeois humanitarianism. 3, harmony between man and nature in ancient China on the heaven and man, heaven and humanity, natural and man-



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