新兵教育(Recruit Education).doc

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新兵教育(Recruit Education)

新兵教育(Recruit Education) [date: 2006-08-25] source: Author: [font: large, medium, small] There is always a motive problem to do anything. Motivational behavior. Correct actions are followed by correct motives. So, whats your motivation for joining the army? What is the correct motivation for enlistment? How to set up the right motivation for enlistment? This is the first question that every soldier, especially the new soldier, should answer and solve. (1) it is the glorious duty of youth to join the army Enlistment motivation, that is, why soldiers, that is commonly referred to as who carries guns, who for the army.. The correct motive for enlistment should be to do the duty to defend the motherland and to perform military service in accordance with the law. The fifty-fifth article of our Constitution stipulates: it is the sacred duty of every citizen in Peoples Republic of China to defend the motherland and resist aggression.. Military service in accordance with the law and participation in militia organizations are the honorable duty of citizens of the Peoples Republic of China. The military service law also stipulates that citizens of the Peoples Republic of China are obliged to serve in accordance with the provisions of this law, regardless of race, race, occupation, family origin, religious belief and educational attainment.. Defend the motherland, is everyones responsibility. When we enlist in the army, we perform the duty of a citizen in accordance with the law of the state. Obligation is an individuals duty to the society and to others. If a person wants to obtain the means of subsistence and other conditions that he needs to survive and develop from the society, he must shoulder the social responsibility and contribute to society and others. But Eins said: my inner and outer life are based on other people (living and dead) work, I must try our best to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving. Even a scientist who has made outstandin


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