古镇高级中学《unit society》ppt英语课件.ppt

古镇高级中学《unit society》ppt英语课件.ppt

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古镇高级中学《unit society》ppt英语课件

* * Unit 24 Society Lesson3 A Changing World New words flock 成群结队去,蜂拥而至 majestic 宏伟的,庄严的 in awe 敬畏 grand 盛大的,宏伟的 glimpse 一瞥,一看 alleyway 小巷 literally 的确 New words majority 大多数 neat 整齐的 keep an eye on 密切注视 noble 贵族 royal 王室的,皇家的 citizen 市民,公民 integral 完整的,整体的 New words instability 不稳定,变化无常 deteriorate 使恶化 hastily 匆忙的,急速 accommodate 容纳,为提供住处 establishment 建立,成立 residential 住宅区的 renovate 革新,刷新,修复 squeeze 挤进,塞入;压,挤 1 Discussion 1)Do you know something about Beijing’s hutong? 2)Have you ever been to Beijing’s hutong? Give me some details 4 Are the following sentences true ( T )or false( F )? 1 Tourists don’t like hutongs. 2 Wealthy people lived in hutongs close to the Forbidden City. 3 The conditions in Beijing’s hutongs worsened at the end of the Qing Dynasty. 4 Sanmiao Street is the longest hutong in Beijing. F T T F 5 Replace the underlined words with the words below located ,fixed up ,quickly ,worsened ,a lane ,most ,join 1 when I saw my teacher coming I hastily put my comic away. 2 Behind the hospital there is an alleyway filled boxes. 3 Those wires connect the TV to the DVD player. Replace the underlined words with the words below 4 He renovated the apartment before he moved in. 5 Her condition deteriorated suddenly and we feared she might die. 6 The majority of the students wanted to visit Beijing. 7 The city was situated in the north, between two rivers. Homework Write a composition about a scenic spot you have been to. Bye-bye! Thank you!



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