Mounting Description Drum brake Netti Svipp Svipp 刹车毂安装说明.PDF

Mounting Description Drum brake Netti Svipp Svipp 刹车毂安装说明.PDF

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Mounting Description Drum brake Netti Svipp Svipp 刹车毂安装说明

Mounting Description Drum brake Netti Svipp Svipp 刹车毂安装说明 Positioning the drum brake in the main wheel bracket. 刹车盘在轮框座上的位置 Tools: 2 pcs 24” open end spanner. 工具: 2 把24”开口扳手 Depending on size of main wheel and required height of wheelchair, mount the brake anchor-plate with the main wheel bushing and position lock in the correct postions of the main wheel adapter.To get correct pull of the brake mount the brake anchor-plate as described in the setup bottom right. 根据大轮尺寸以及轮椅高度要求,将刹车支承块与大轮轴套安装在正确的位置. 详细安装方法请 见右小角示意图 A 位于 1 = B 位于3-D A 位于2 = B 位于4-C A 位于3 = B 位于5-C A 位于4 = B 位于2-D A 位于5 = B 位于3-D Main wheel adaptor Netti Svipp Svipp 大轮支承座 Brake anchor-plate刹车盘 A = Main wheel bushing大轮轴套 B = Position lock 定位杆 When attaching the brake anchor-plate to the main wheel bracket, make sure that the enclosed steel disk is placed between the nut and the outside of the frame, as shown below. 将刹车盘安装到主轮框座时, 请确保弹簧垫圈置于螺母与主轮框座外边之间, 请见下图 Mounting of push handles and placing of the wire 安装手推把及刹车线 The push handles are placed in the holes in each end of the push bar adapter. NB! Remember to replace the safety screw and nut at the end of the push handle. 将手推柄安装于靠背支架连接块孔中 备注: 请务必将安全螺丝和螺母安装在手推把下端 Open the zippers along the backrest tubes and lead the wire on the inside of the backrest velcro. 松开靠背支架管上的拉链,将刹车线放入 To fine-tune the brake use an 8 mm open- end spanner on the foot screw on the brake anchor-pl


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