综合英语1World Wide Web Technology.ppt

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综合英语1World Wide Web Technology

World Wide Web Technology What’s Hot and What’s Not Background information Pre-reading question Oral activities Text Structure Text study After-class debate Exercises Internet sign language       ?       _//|.-~~~~-,?      /66 \    \_@?    ●)()_  /?  (┃  --|| |-\ /?   / )   ?         ? 我不怕你!   ◢██◣?    █⊙⊙█?    ◤◥◤◥?   ◢▔▂▂▂◣?   ◤︼   ◥?    ╲▁▁╱?    ╯╜╙╰   QQ █ ☆真 ◢██◣ █  █* ◢██◣☆? █ ≈ █*  █ █* 爱█ █▅▅█? █ *  █的 █ ◥◣◢◤ █ 你▂ ███◣◥██◤☆ ◥◤ * ◥██◤*?        \\\|///       \\ .-.- // .      ( .@.@ ) +-------oOOo-----(_)-----oOOo---------+ |                   | | ???  祝?? 你?? 快? 乐!!!  ?  | |                   | +---------------------Oooo---------- T_T 流眼泪的样子 ~~_~~ 痛哭,十分伤心 ⊙ ⊙ 睁着眼睛看着你 ^_~ 俏皮地向对方眨眼 *o* 陶醉 :p 吐舌头 @_@ 高度近视 @_@ 醉了 e_e 困,想睡觉 -_-b 、-_-^ 流汗 -O- 打呵欠 ~*.*~ 害羞又迷人的小女生 #^_^# 脸红了! _brvbar;brvbar;brvbar; 很尴尬~!!! (*@ο@*) 哇~ O_o 惊讶~~~ (⊙o⊙) 目瞪口呆 (°ο°)~ @ 晕倒,不省人事 ~_~ 想睡觉了的意思!! (~ o ~)~zZ 我想睡啦~?? π_π? 打瞌睡?? Internet Addictor Pre-reading question How do you feel about the world when surfing at the web sites? What role does the Intenet play in your study and life? How many technical terms (terminologies术语) do you know about computer and internet? 个人电脑 便携式电脑 台式计算机 PC: Personal computer {laptop; desktop} 光盘; 数字视频光盘; CD: compact disk ; Digital Video Disc 显示器; 键盘;屏幕; 磁盘驱动器; 打印机;鼠标 Monitor; keyboard; screen; disk drive (diskette drive); printer; mouse 中央处理器; 软盘; 硬盘 CPU: central processing unit; floppy disk; hard drive 环球网; 网站; 上网;上网聊天 world wide web; web sites; surf on the internet (line); chatting on the line 宽带; 口令; 网络;上网搜索;公告牌系统或电子公告板 broadband; password; network; net search ; BBS:Bulletin Board System 中文字处理系统; 剪切; 粘贴; 字体转变; 界面 WPS: word processing system; cut; paste; font change; interface 电子邮件; 垃圾邮件; 交互行为 e-mail: electronic mail; junk mail; interactivity Group discussion What do you really desire to learn from the web sites on the Internet? The discussion can be based on the following aspects: 1) various information that


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