Unit3 Welcome and reading 学案.doc

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Unit3 Welcome and reading 学案

Unit3 The world of colours and light Period 1 welcome to the unit and reading 1 Ⅰ.单词思忆 (一)基本单词 1.____________adj.抽象的n.摘要,概要 2.____________adj.锐角的;强烈的;急性的;灵敏的 3.____________n.立方形,立方体 4.____________n.共识,一致的意见 5.____________n.阴影,影子;阴暗处 6.____________adj.布满星星的;明亮的 7. n.(艺术创作的)材料;形式;媒介;adj. 中等的; 8.____________n.回报,奖励 vt.奖励,给以报酬 9.____________n.代理人,经纪人 10. n.身心,存在,生物。 (二)派生单词 11.____________n.出生地;发源地→____________n.出生,生育 12.____________vi. vt.计算;推测→____________n.计算;推断 13.____________vt. vi.全心全意投入;犯罪;承诺→____________n. 犯罪;承诺;全心全意投入 14.____________n.代理人,经纪人→____________n.代理机构,服务机构。 15.____________n.印象主义;印象派;→____________n.印象;感想;影响;滑稽模仿;→___________v给…留下深刻印象;→___________adj.有印象的 Ⅱ.短语 1.在……以上,超过 ____________ 2.动身去…… ____________ 3.创造了不同的绘画风格 4.被描述成 5. 对…有深刻印象 6.从…到…之间变化 7.全身心地投入于某事; 8.做…感到惊奇 Ⅲ 根据P33插图内容和首字母完成下列表格 A beautiful world made of (1) c and lights Different kinds of(2) p Definition and features Mural A large piece of artwork done on the (3) w .Murals were often made on the (4) s of stone in some caves by our old ancestors. In China, Dunhuang Mural is very famous at home and abroad. They can reflect the histories and peoples lives. (5)S life pictures Still life pictures usually paint fruit, flowers, and trees. This kind of paintings usually give people a clear,clean,quite (6) i (7)A An art focusing on the painting of shapes ,colors and textures (8)i of objects Paintings of nature It’s a very popular art form both in china and in the west. It’s vividly reflects thebeauty of nature (9)P paintings This painting mainly deals with the (10) a and expressions of famous or rich people. There are many famous paintings, such as Mona Lisa. There have been many great European painters,Li Ming is telling Yang Yan all about his trip. First, Li Ming along with his aunt and grandmother, who are both very (1) artists, started in


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