on time和in time everyone和every one except和beside.ppt

on time和in time everyone和every one except和beside.ppt

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on time和in time everyone和every one except和beside

;;2.Everyone laughed,except the teacher. ; 扩充:but常和nothing,nobody,no one,no 等否定词连用,表示从事某种活动的只有but 后面的人或物.;3. I have downloaded some more pictures of Beijing. some more “另外一些” 修饰可数名词或不可数名词 数字+more +n.=another +数字+n.。 eg:我想再要一些水。I want ____ ____water. 在学校我还有两个朋友。I have ____ ____ friends 练一练: at school 1.他想再要三本书 2.刚才我们班又有三名同学迟到 ; ;;;6.noise voice sound noise n. 噪音,骚动 通常只不悦耳不和谐的噪音 voice n. 嗓音,一般指人说话、唱歌、谈笑等声音 sound n.声音 指大自然的任何“声音” 即声音的总称 ;7. be good at+n./pron/v-ing “擅长… 同义:do well in eg.She’s good at swimming. be good for “对…有益” 反义: be bad for eg.The vegetables is good for us. be good to “对...友好” 同义:be friendly to eg.The teacher is good to us. ; one pron. 代替可数名词单数,泛指同类中的‘一个’。 ones pron. 代替可数名词复数,泛指同类中的“多个”。 it pron. “它” 特指上文提到的同一件东西。;9、Everyone was very surprised.; through:介词, 穿过。(内部) acorss:介词, 横过。(外部) eg. The sunshine got in the room _______ the window. Walk _______ the hall, you can see the computer. Danny runs ________ the exit.(出口) Don’t run ________ the street. A strong players swim _______ the sea.;辨析:介词 through, across, over, past through表示从物体的内部空间中“穿过”,具有in的意味。 It took me three hours to walk through the forest. 我花了三个小时才穿过森林。 across 表示从物体的表面“跨过”,具有on的意味。 He quickly went across the bridge. 他很快地走过了这座桥。;11.;1)-- Don’t worry , there is ___ time left. A little B few C a little D a few 2) There is ___ apples in the fridge, let’s go shopping. A little B few C a little D a few 3)Mary has few friends , ___she ? A hasn’t B has C doesn’t D does 4.Jim runs ___ than Li Ming . A more slowly B slowlier C slow D slower 5.They need ____________(更多的时间) to finish it.;11.fewer vs less;6、room-seat-space-place; 1. We want to have__. but there is no__ in the boat, so we h


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