儿童文学中美丽的英文句子 02.doc

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儿童文学中美丽的英文句子 02

Fairy Tales s beautiful sentence The wife of a rich man fell sick, and as she felt that her end was drawing near, she called her only daughter to her bedside . When winter came the snow spread a white sheet over the grave,and when the spring sun had drawn it off again, the man had taken another wife. Now began a bad time for the poor step-child. He would dance with no other maiden, and never left loose of her hand. When she went to the festival in the dress, no one knew how to speak for astonishment. The step-mother and the two sisters were terrified and became pale with the rage. When the wedding with the King’s son had to be celebrated, the two false sisters came and wanted to get into favour with Cinderella and share her good fortune. There was once a King’s son who was seized with a desire to travel about the world, and took no one with him but a faithful servant. One day he came to a great forest , and when darkness overtook him he could find no shelter, and knew not where to pass the night. She is ill-disposed toward strangers. When the King’s son arrived, and blinded by her great beauty, was willing to sake his life for it. He who is too well off is always longing for something new. Now it happened that one day the shuttle was marked with her blood, so she dipped it in the well, to wash the mark off; but it dropped out of her hand and fell to the bottom. She began to weep, and ran to her step-mother and told her of the mishap.But she scolded her sharply, and was so merciless as to say…. As the old woman spoke so kindly to her, the girl took courage and agreed to enter her service. At first she did not know what was the matter with her, but found at length that it was home-sickness: although she was many thousand times better off here than at home, still she had a longing to be there. But the pitch stuck fast to her, and could not be got off as long as she lived. Hardly was the word spoken before he heard a whirring of wings over his head in the air, looked up


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