第二类 为脑复苏药 纳络酮(The second type is the brain recovery drug naloxone).doc

第二类 为脑复苏药 纳络酮(The second type is the brain recovery drug naloxone).doc

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第二类 为脑复苏药 纳络酮(The second type is the brain recovery drug naloxone)

第二类 为脑复苏药 纳络酮(The second type is the brain recovery drug naloxone) First aid medicine is more, in clinical, commonly used first-aid medicine can be classified into six categories: The first kind of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) include: epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine, dobutamine, digitalis preparations, nitrate, sodium NaHCO2, diuretics, alamine, atropine, adrenal cortical hormone, etc. The second type is the brain recovery drug naloxone The third category is respiratory stimulant nikoshmi (klamine) lobelin (mountain terrier) The fourth group was piperidine, morphine, etc The fifth class is tranquilizer The sixth class is the hemostasis vit-k3 EACA hemostasis, hemostatic and thrombin Cardiopulmonary resuscitation commonly used drugs (I) improved cardiac output and blood pressure Epinephrine (epinephrine, epinephrine) Pharmacological action: ACTS on alpha \ beta receptors. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is mainly through the stimulation of alpha receptor, which causes peripheral blood tube to contract and the peripheral circulation resistance increases. To strengthen the myocardial contractile force, the heart rate quickens, the oxygen content of myocardium increases The small vessels in the skin, mucosa and internal organs contract, but the coronary vessels and skeletal muscle vessels expand. The effect on blood pressure is related to the dose. The function of relaxation bronchial and gastrointestinal smooth muscle. Clinical application: resuscitate anaphylactic shock for the shock treatment such as penicillin Rescue cardiac arrest Treatment of bronchial asthma is effective but not persistent, and can be repeated when necessary. The hemostatic treatment of nosebleed and gingival bleeding will be filled with the gauze of the solution of the solution (1:200,000 ~ 1:1000). Usage: Subcutaneous injection of 0.25 ~ 1mg The heart indoor injection once a quarter ~ 1mg Intravenous drip 5 % G.S 500 ~ 1000ml + 4 ~ 8mg Precautions: hypertension, organic heart



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