厌氧型生物为什么在有氧备件下无氧呼吸被抑制(Why are anaerobic organisms suppressed in aerobic spare parts).doc

厌氧型生物为什么在有氧备件下无氧呼吸被抑制(Why are anaerobic organisms suppressed in aerobic spare parts).doc

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厌氧型生物为什么在有氧备件下无氧呼吸被抑制(Why are anaerobic organisms suppressed in aerobic spare parts)

厌氧型生物为什么在有氧备件下无氧呼吸被抑制(Why are anaerobic organisms suppressed in aerobic spare parts) /discuz/thread-184142-1-1.html Why are anaerobic organisms suppressed in aerobic spare parts Will O2 suppress the second phase of anaerobic respiration? How can it be suppressed? In high school teaching, students are required to master O2 is the control of anaerobic breathing process. However, how O2 can suppress the process of anaerobic respiration is not clear to students, which can lead to difficulties and even misunderstanding. Here are some of my ideas on the subject. Of both aerobic and anaerobic respiration will be carried out in eukaryotic cells, when have O2: is the cause of anaerobic respiration is restrained reaction 1 glucose and pyruvic acid + 4 (H) 2 + 2 atp, without O2, is to react pyruvic acid + 4 (H) - 2 alcohol co2 + 2. If have O2, because of the mitochondrial membrane of the respiratory chain (electron transport chain) have the final receptor (O2), tricarboxylic acid cycle and electron transfer to go smoothly, so 4 (H) there is a better way, namely through the respiratory chain on the mitochondrial membrane and the heavy oxidation, pyruvate is because of the lack in cytoplasmic matrix (H) under the anaerobic respiration, which cannot be restored, rather than into mitochondria within the decarboxylation and then enter the Krebs cycle. These instructions, for both aerobic and anaerobic respiration will be carried out in eukaryotic cells, inhibition of anaerobic respiration of O2 is not due to damage or inhibit the reaction pyruvic acid + 4 (H) - 2 alcohol co2 + 2 in the activity of some enzymes. As a result, such as glucose into a test tube containing yeast cytoplasmic matrix, ventilation with O2 and other conditions suitable cases, should be to complete the process of anaerobic respiration, namely product as alcohol + CO2. Another, O2 not inhibit anaerobic respiration in the second phase of any enzyme activity, but rather with Pasteur effect and indirect inhibiti


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