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ELTU2020 English for Social ScienceVocabulary Expansion ProjectName: Lin YiranStudent ID: 1155029047Teacher: Ms. Miranda LeeClass: ELTU2020ARMeanings of the short forms and labelsSYNsynonym of the wordOPPword of opposite meaning[C]countable,a countable noun[U]uncountable,an uncountable nounformala word that is suitable for formal speech or writinginformala word that is used in normal conversationliterarya word used mainly in English literatureplurala noun that is used only in the pluraltransitivea verb that is followed by an objectintransitivea verb that has no objectprefixa word placed before another word and make a new oneAmEAmerican EnglishBrEBritish Englishsb.short form for somebodysth.short form for somethingCOLLOCATIONSthe way in which words are often used togetherwords related to the wordEntry 1Topic: The Little Region That Persists: The Baha’i in Israelfrom Time, by Karl Vick, July 14th 2011, /time/world/article/0,8599,2081789,00.htmlVocabularyPart of SpeechMeaningSample Sentence/PhraseOthershallucinationn.an experience involving the apparent perception of something not presentThe patients suffered hallucinations caused by the drug.v. hallucinateadj. hallucinate: ~ drugslucidadj.expressed clearly and easy to understandWe must write our articles in a lucid and clear style.n. lucidityadv. lucidlyglitterv.to shine brightly with flashing points of lightsThe river glittered in the sunlight.SYN sparkle, glimmer, shimmeradj. glitteringn.brightness; a bright shining expressionthe glitter of his gold watch[U]SYN gleamadj. glittery immaculateadj.perfectly clean and tidyHe wore an immaculate dark suit.adv. ImmaculateOPP messyexactly correct or perfectHer performance was immaculate.adv. immaculateSYN flawlessreverentialadj.showing a lot of respect and admirationShe spoke in reverential tones.adv. reverentiallyn. reverenceresplendentadj.very beautiful, bright and impressive in appearanceShe looked resplendent in her new dress.1. adv. resplendentlyn. resplendence2. formal


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