八上科学作业本答案(全 文字版)(Eight, science homework answer (full text version)).doc

八上科学作业本答案(全 文字版)(Eight, science homework answer (full text version)).doc

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八上科学作业本答案(全 文字版)(Eight, science homework answer (full text version))

八上科学作业本答案(全 文字版)(Eight, science homework answer (full text version)) This paper consists of 997980317 contributions Eight, science homework, refer to the answer The first chapter: water in life First where is water saving? 1. (1) of ocean water glaciers and permanent snow water (2) water ocean water (3) glaciers and permanent snow water (4) is not correct. The water we use everyday is mainly rivers and fresh water, while the fresh water in the earths water bodies is very small. 2.C 3., water, water 4. (1) C (2) this view is not correct, because pollution will be transferred through the water cycle to other water bodies. 5. (1) precipitation, evaporation, water vapor transport, plant transpiration (2), water cycle, 6. biological activities can not live without water, in the water shortage environment, some organisms can automatically adjust to adapt to the water shortage environment. Second, water-saving composition 1. solid liquid gas liquefied oxygen melting sublimation 2. right blue hydrogen and oxygen water hydrogen and oxygen 3 C 0 C 0 C 4. physical chemistry 5.D 6.B 7., will bring Mars into the wood in the jar, the wood is oxygen again. Third density of water conservation (a) 1. (1) 1.5 1.5 (2) 22 (3) slightly (4) ratio of mass and volume (5) of 2. different density is proportional to the quality of a certain volume of 3. to 1 meters 3 copper for 8.9 x 103 kg 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.C 8.9 4.C 9. (1) homogeneous material, quality and volume ratio is a constant (2) 1 and 4 (or 2 and 5, 3 and 6) (3) the same liquid mass and volume ratio, different liquid, ratio of mass and volume are generally different (two) 1. small 2. mass volume density 3.4743 4.B 5.C 6.C 7. gasoline 8. (1) solution: Answer: the density of petroleum is 0.82 * 103 kg / M 3 (2) solution: Answer: the quality of the oil installed is 2.46 * 104 kg 9.V=9 m x 6 m * 3.5 m =189 M. 3 Answer: the quality of the air in the classroom is about 243.8 kilograms 10. (1), 10 grams (2), 11.25 grams (3) choose titanium all



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