全国百套名校高三数学模拟试题分(National hundred elite high school mathematics simulation test scores).doc

全国百套名校高三数学模拟试题分(National hundred elite high school mathematics simulation test scores).doc

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全国百套名校高三数学模拟试题分(National hundred elite high school mathematics simulation test scores)

全国百套名校高三数学模拟试题分(National hundred elite high school mathematics simulation test scores) The hungry tiger Tengyun contribution Pdf documents may experience poor browsing on the WAP side. It is recommended that you first select TXT, or download the source file to the local view. The entrance channel professional large number tens of thousands of University College Library pictures University video the entrance channel professional large number tens of thousands of University College Library video. Compilation of conic section of 2009 hundred high schools in China Two, fill in the blanks (1, three Anhui province Qianshan County Middle School 2009 session of the third entrance exam) for C: the C curve line may not represent ellipse; when 1 K 4, C said that if the elliptic curve; curve C hyperbola, K 1 or K 4 if the C curve; focus on the X axis of the ellipse, 1 K all correct proposition number. Answer: the 2 (Jiangsu Province, Yancheng City, comprehensive exercises Tin Ka Ping middle school 09 High School Mathematics) known ellipse X2 Y2 + =1 gives the following four propositions: 4, K, K, 1 52 The two foci of x2 Y2 + = 1 (a b 0 are F1, F2, dot A2, B2 P on the ellipse, and satisfy the PF1 Tan / PF1 PF2 = 0, F2 = 2, while the rate of centrifugal elliptical answer: 53 X2 Y2 53, (Shanghai Zhang weir middle school 2009 term first mid-term examination) if M 0, point P m, on hyperbola = 1, then point P to hyperbola 452 The distance from the left focus is 13. The answer is: 24. (Xiamen second foreign language school, 2008 - 2009 academic year, senior middle school mathematics, fourth monthly examination), known circle C: x + y, 6 x, 4 y + 8 = 0., in round C and coordinate 22 . The intersection points of the axis are taken as a focus and a vertex of the hyperbola, respectively, and the standard equation for the hyperbola of the above conditions is the solution: circle C: x + y 6, x 4, y + 8 = 0 22 . Y = 0, x, 26, x + 8 = 0, the intersection of the circle C and the coo



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