川滇及其邻区中强地震烈度衰减关系适用性研究 - 地震工程与工程振动.PDF

川滇及其邻区中强地震烈度衰减关系适用性研究 - 地震工程与工程振动.PDF

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川滇及其邻区中强地震烈度衰减关系适用性研究 - 地震工程与工程振动

3 1 1 V o.l 3 1 N o. 1 20 11 2 JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE ENG IN EER ING AND ENG INEER ING V IBRAT ION F eb. 2011 : 1000- 1301 20 11) 01- 0011- 08 1 2 孙继浩, 帅向华 1. , 100036; 2. , 100045 ) : , , , 6 , , , , , : ; ; ; ; : P315. 9 : A Study on m oderate-strong seism ic in ten sity attenuation relations in Sichuan-Yunnan and its adjacen t areas 1 2 SUN J ihao , SHUA I X ianghua 1. Inst itute of Earthquak e S cience, Ch ina E arthquake A dm in istration, Beijing 100036, Ch ina; 2. Ch ina E arthquake N etwork C en ter, Beijing 100045, Ch ina) Abs tract: In th is paper, the research area is focu sed on S ichuan-Y unnan and its ad jacent areas. A ccording to the seism- tecton ic env ironm ent and seism ic dam age characteristics, the authors d iv ided the S ichuan-Y unnan and its ad- jacent areas into southw est Ch ina region and S ichuan Basin reg ion, and chose the typical earthquake cases over M s6. 0 in h istory. Then, the authors d ig italized the typical earthquake cases and gained the isose ism al line. T he autho rs w ent on and perform ed the statist ical regression ana lysis o f the gained data, and built som e m ode ls for the re lations o f earthquake in tensity attenuation a long prolate ax is and m inor ax is, the relationsh ip betw een d ifferent in- tensity areas and the earthquake m agnitude, and the re lationsh ip betw een rupture leng th and earthquake m agn-i tude. M eanw hile, the above-m ent ioned re lationsw ere u sed for bu ild ing calcu lation m ode ls


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