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2015考研英文原刊《经济学人》:时髦与蹒跚齐行  Not all towns are desperate to attract young people   并不是所有城镇都渴望吸引年轻人   Nationally, an ageing population is a problem. Butlocally it can be a boon. The over-50s control 80%of Britains wealth, and like to spend it on houses and high-street shopping. The young“generation rent”, by contrast, is poor, distractible and liable to shop online.   在国际上,人口老龄化是个问题。但在地方范围内,这可能是个福音。在英国,50岁以上的人群掌握着80%的财富,并乐于将这些财富用于购置房产和商场购物。相比而言,年轻的“租房一代”经济比较拮据,很容易分心,且依赖网上购物。   People aged between 50 and 74 spend twice as much as the under-30s on cinema tickets.Between 2000 and 2010 restaurant spending by those aged 65-74 increased by 33%, while theunder-30s spent 18% less. The pension pots liberated by George Osbornes budget earlier thisyear will likely pour into property. And while the young still struggle to find work, older peopleare retiring later. During the financial crisis full-time employment fell for every age group butthe over-65s, and there has been a rash of older entrepreneurs. Pensioners also support theworking population by volunteering: some 100 retirees in Christchurch help out as businessmentors.   年龄在50到74岁之间的人群花在电影票上的钱是30岁以下人群的两倍之多。在2000年到2010年间,65到74岁人群的餐厅费用增长了33%,而30岁以下人群则减少了18%。今年年初因乔治·奥斯本的新财政预算案而被释放的养老金池将很可能大量涌入流通市场。当年轻人还在找工作的苦海中挣扎时,老年人的退休年龄却越来越推后了。金融危机期间,各个年龄阶层的全职工作率都降低了,只有65岁以上的人群没有受到影响,并且还出现了大批的老年企业家。领取养老金的人还通过志愿服务来帮助工作人群:克莱斯特彻奇就有约100名退休人员志愿成为企业导师。   Even if they wanted to, most small towns and cities could not capture the cool kids. Mobileyoung professionals cluster, and greatly prefer to cluster in London. Even supposed meccas likeManchester are ageing: clubs in that city are becoming members-only, and there are anincreasing number of places, as one resident puts it, that “a 19-year-old wouldnt be seen deadin”. Towns that aim too young, like Bracknell and Chippenham, can find their high streets full ofclosed La Senzas (a lingerie chain) and struggling tattoo parlours. Outside Britains capital, highconcentrations of youth are commonly tied t


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