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Chapter7 Movement toward Romanticism Part1: Poets who helped to move poetry forward toward Romanticism: Macpherson. Chatterton. Thomson. Young. Cowper. Crabbe… Part 2: the two greatest romanticists of the 18th century: Blake. Burns Part 1: Poets who helped to move poetry forward toward Romanticism: Macpherson. Chatterton. Thomson. Young. Cowper. Crabbe… Blake. Burns Literary forgeries Poems of Ossian, or Fingal (an ancient Scottish poet): Most of the details in it were forged By the imagination of James Macpherson. Rowley Papers : Completely counterfeited By Thomas Chatterton (1752-1770),who, in desperation, took poison and killed himself in poverty. P123-4 James Thomson (1700-1748): p125 The Seasons, consists of four seasons and a hymn in blank verse. Edward Young (1683-1765): Night Thoughts, Graveyard poetry in blank verse, with its excessive sentimentalism and morbidity (found happiness in the constant thought of death and hailed midnight as signaling the light of eternality). p126 The poem by William Cowper (1731-1800) The Task: in blank verse, covering a wide range of topics, such as country sights and sounds, village life, war and slavery, luxury and corruption, freedom and tyranny… p127-8 The Village by George Crabbe (1754-1832): neoclassic in form (heroic couplet) but emotional in theme, written in response to Goldsmith’s poetic reflection of country life in his The Deserted Village. P128-9 Collections of ballads and songs Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, or Percy’s Reliques, Collected by Thomas Percy (1729-1811) Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border : Collected by Walter Scott (1771-1832), P124 Part 2, Pre-Romanticists: Blake and Burns William Blake lived as a great engraver of illustrations for various publishers. But he remained poor all his life. He is called a Pre-Romantic or a forerunner of the Romantic poetry of the 19


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