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形容词比较级 和比较结构;There are as good fish in the sea ____ever came out of it. A. than B. like C. as D. so;Intellect is to the mind ____sight is to the body. A. what B. as C. that D. like; A new laptop costs about ___ of a second-hand one. A. the price of three times B. three times the price C. as much as the three times price D. three times more than the price ; The square itself is five hundred yards wide, five times ___ the size of St. Peter’s in Rome. A. / B. that of C. which is D. of ; A person’s blood flows through a pipeline of vessels that, end to end, would stretch more than___ half times around the Earth at the equator. A. twice B. two and a C. two and D. twice and; 倍数或几分之几: A +be +X times +as +计量形容词原级+as +B A +be +X times +计量形容词比较级+than +B A +be +X times +the +计量名词+of +B The +计量名词+of +A +be +X times +that of +B ; It was ___ we had hoped. A. more a success than B. a success more than C. as much of a success as D. a success as much as;more than 不仅是,非常,十分 more…than 与其说…不如说,不是…而是 有时than可看做关系代词, 相当于than what hardly more than 仅仅 no more than 仅仅,两者都不 not more than 不超过(前者不如后者) ; no less than 竟有…之多,多达(强调多) not less than 不少于,至少 no less…than 是…是,正是,和…一 样多, 多达,应有…之多(前后均为肯定,有惊奇的情感) ;so much as 与其说,不如说(用于否定) no other than 只有,正是 no better than 和…一样(等于) better…than 与其说…倒不如说 other than 不同于,除…之外 rather than 而不是


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