TEM-4词汇语法 Part 1.ppt

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TEM-4词汇语法 Part 1

Be about to do sth   be on the point of doing sth;just going to do sth“即将,就要”: Her father is about to retire.她即即将退休。 I was about to say when you interrupted me.我正要张口说话时你打断了我。 (注:about to后面跟不定式,而且常与when从句搭配使用) all but   1.“ all but十形容词(或用在谓语动词前)”= very nearly;almost几乎,差不多; The hikers were exhausted and all but frozen when they were found.那些徒步旅行者疲惫不堪,被人们发现时都几乎冻僵了。   2.“all but+名词”= all except “除……外都”: All but John were present.除约翰外,其他人都到了。 (注:all but作几乎解时可修饰作表语的形容词或过去分词;也可作状语修饰谓语动词。) anything but - not at all;far from“根本不,一点不”,作表语,but后面可以跟名词、形容词或过去分词: He‘s anything but lazy/a hero. 他一点不懒/根本不是个英雄。 The bridge is anything but safe/finished.这座桥一点不安全/离完工还差得很远。 Alone in a deserted house,he was so busy with his research work that he felt _______ lonely. a.nothing but b.anything but c.all but d.everything but ( 答案 b.考研90.译文:他一个人在一所房子里搞研究工作,一点也不感到寂寞。) for all   for all--- in spite of “尽管”: He did not do well in the race,for all his training.尽管他进行了很多训练,但他的赛跑成绩并不很理想。 For all his money,he was very unhappy.尽管他有不少钱,但他并不很幸福。 alternative   alternative n.----“选择,替代办法”,注意下面成语的习惯用法: “have no alternative but to do”“没有别的选择,只好”: There‘s no alternative but to fight.“除了战斗以外,没有别的选择”。 I had no alternative but to walk out.我没有别的办法,只有走出去。 and ----用在省略if的特殊条件句中: Five minutes earlier and we could have caught the last train. 再早5分钟,我们就可能赶上最后一趟火车了。 Turn on the television or open a magazine and you ______ advertisements showing happy, balanced families. a. are often seeing b. will often see c. often see d. have often seen (答案 b.CET-495/6.译文:只要打开电视机或翻开一本杂志,你常常可以看到排列整齐的全家福广告照片。) As(考试频度很大的几个用法) 1.引导让步状语从句(通常可以用though替换),使用下面句型: 1)“形容词/副词十as+主语十谓语: Young as I am,I know some of the family secrets.尽管我还很小,但我了解一些家庭秘密。 Much as like her,I will not marry her.虽然我很喜欢她,但我并不想与她结婚。 Some members of the staff couldn‘t handle the case,hard as they tried.一些职员不管怎么想办法也解决不了这个问题。 2)“原形动词十as十主语十may/might/will/would”: Try as he would,he could not lift the rock.不管他用多大劲也举不起那块石头。 There was not


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