Nothing Succeed Without Will作文2.doc

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Nothing Succeed Without Will作文2

Nothing Succeed Without Will There is no dobut that everybody wants to achieve success. Me either. in my unstanding, If you want to make some success in specific filed, you have to firstly cultiviate kind of spirit of willpower. This is the first stop to approch success and also the only way lead to success. “Where?there?is?a?will,?there?is?way”?is?an?old?proverb?which?almost?everyone?knows,?but?not?all?understand?it?so?well.?Actually,?it?means?that?if?you?are?really?resolved?to?do?something,?no?matter?how?difficult?it?might?be,?never?give?up.? To accomplish your goal, the most important thing is outstanding willpower rather than the method. Liyang kept practising his oral english and spoke out loudly 1 hour every day in the ninth floor of his working site to improve his english profiency. Mr.Zhongdaolong insisted on dictation along with the tape on 20 pieces of A4 paper everyday to pursuing success. Moreever, those giants who made miracles in career are having much more determination and willpower than that of common guys. The founder of KFC started his business when he was at his 65. He got peopples comment of ”YES after he was rejected by 1009 times. There are too many examples proved that nothing successed without will. A strong will is very important to make success in our life. If we work day after day, nothing can’t be achieved. When we don’t have a strong will, we are likely to give up when we meet difficulties. The modern society provides people with more opportunities than before, and there are stories which tell us the possibility of becoming successful overnight. Actually that is not the case. Before these people become successful, a lot of hard work has been done, unnoticed mostly. What we usually see is the result, but what we ignore is a long process of struggling forward and wrestling with internal or external obstacles. Take 搎uitting smoking?for example, which is , to most people , a difficult task, so people always give up the idea for t


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