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Vocabulary and Structure It’s most important for a language learner to _____ a good pronunciation. A. win B. achieve C. gain D. acquire e.g. achieve : They had finally achieved success. They could not achieve their target of less than 3% inflation. 他们没能达到通货膨胀低于3%的目标。 gain: The country gained its independence 10 years ago. 这个国家十年前就赢得了独立。 There is nothing to be gained from delaying the decision. 推迟决定得不到任何好处。 acquire:(通过努力、能力、行为表现)获得,得到 She has acquired a good knowledge of English. 她英语已经学得很好。 He has acquired a reputation for dishonesty. 他得到了奸诈的名声。 2. How can you _____ and watch them being ill-treated like that? A. stand back B. stand by C. stand for D. stand aside e.g. stand back: The police ordered the crowd to stand back. stand by : How can you stand by and see him accused of something he didn’t do? 你怎么能眼睁睁看着他遭人诬陷而袖手旁观呢? stand for: What does the “BBC” stand for? stand aside: : She stood aside to let us pass. 3. The meeting had been _____ until next Sunday. A. announced B. transmitted C. put aside D. postponed e.g. transmit sth. from….. to….. signals transmitted from a satellite The ceremony was transmitted live by satellite to over fifty countries. 典礼通过卫星向五十多个国家进行了实况转播。 put sth. aside They decided to put aside their differences. 他们决定搁置双方的分歧。 4. Tom placed too much _____ on sports but not enough on his studies. A. interest B. emphasis C. efforts D. time 5. He couldn’t _____ with the noise in the room. A. put on B. put across C. put up D. put off e.g. put sth. across She’s not very good at putting her views across. 她不大善于表达自己的观点。 6. The public _____ interested in talking about the news. A. has been B. are C. was D. is 7. People in remote areas are ______ from modern civilization. A. cut out B. cut off C. cut down D. cut in e.g. cut out: Furious, her mother cut her out of


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