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词汇表重点词汇讲解与写作训练             撰稿:王俊宏    审稿:牛新革    责编:陈玉莲 高考词汇表重点词汇讲解 inside   prep. 在……的里面 adv. 在/向里面 adj. 里面的 n. 内部   She has many secrets inside her heart.   Let’s go inside.   an inside story 内情   the inside of the building 建筑物的内部 insist   v. 坚持;坚决要求   I insist on an immediate answer. (后接on/upon sth/doing sth)   He insisted on going there alone.   Experts insist that steps (should) be taken to prepare for the future. (后接从句时,从句中使用should形式的虚拟语气,should可以省略)   He insisted that he had not done anything wrong. (insist表示“坚持说/认为”时从句中不使用虚拟语气)   You may go with us if you insist. (insist可以用作不及物动词)   扩展:insistence n. 坚持 inspect   vt. 检查;视察,检阅   The visiting president inspected the troops.   辨析:inspect 视察(通常指上级对下级)      examine 检查(侧重其目的是发现问题)      detect 检查(侧重探查难以发现的细微之处) inspire   vt. 鼓舞;激发;赋予灵感   All the audience were inspired by her story.   His speech inspired us to try our best to make a change to the world. (inspire sb to do)   What he played was a piece of music inspired by dolphin sounds.   扩展:inspiring adj. 鼓舞人的      inspired adj. 受到鼓舞的      inspiration n. 鼓舞人的人或事;灵感 instant   adj. 即刻的;速食的 n. 时刻   an instant reply 快速回复   instant noodles 方便面   I couldn’t answer for an instant. 我一时答不上来。   用法:the instant … 一……就(用作连词,引导时间状语从句,=as soon as)。e.g.      The instant he arrived, the meeting began. instead   adv. 替代;反而;却   He didn’t go there by bus. He went on foot instead.   She didn’t answer. Instead, she turned and walked away.   用法:instead of (接名词、动名词或介词短语)。E.g.   Tom will go there instead of Lucy.   He went there on foot instead of by bus.   Instead of making big money, he ended up owing a lot. instruct   vt. 指示;教育   Instruct them to wait at the gate. (instruct sb to do)   They haven’t been instructed when to start the work.   She instructs the young men not only in words but also by deeds.   扩展:instruction n. 指示;命令;教育;操作指南(常用复数)e.g.   follow the teacher’s instructions 按老师的说明去做   instructive adj. 教育性的 intend   vt. 打算,想要   I intend no harm. 我没有恶意。   She intended the ne


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