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MBA英语短语:【MBA加油站 】 look on 观看,旁观   同义词:watch;   esteem,look upon,regard as,repute,take to be,think of。   look on的英语解释:   observe with attention   look on as or consider   相关短语:   A cat may look at a king. st. 小人物也有权利.   a look of vacancy 茫然若失的神情   by the look of it 看样子   dirty look n. 臭脸   give sb. a dirty look v.对某人瞪一眼   have a look at 看一看…   look a gift horse in the mouth 对礼物吹毛求疵,过分挑剔礼物   look a gift-horse in the mouth 对别人送的礼物吹毛求疵   look about v.四处寻找,考虑,察看 v.四处观看   look about one v. 察看自己的情况   look on的例句:   1.But after the first mouthful there was a very strange look on her face.   但当她尝了一口之后,脸上出现了一种奇怪的表情。   2.I dont think they would have locked the door, because I know that once they didnt and caro walked in and they laughed at the look on her face.   我觉得他们没有锁门,因为我知道有一次他们没锁,卡萝进去之后,他们看到她脸上的表情大笑。   3.But look on the bright side!   不过我们应该往好的方面看!   4.He was eight years old the and the look on his face when we told him he could help his dad with the lawn work was worth everything.   他那时8岁,当我们告诉他,他可以帮助他的爸爸修理草坪了,他脸上露出的神情简直胜过一切东西。   5.He sees the look on her face and lowers himself back into his chair. 他看到她脸上的神色,然后又坐回到他的椅子上。 love story 爱情故事,恋爱小说   同义词:romance;   love story的英语解释:   a story dealing with love   相关短语:   a labor of love 爱做的事,出自喜爱而做的事   a labour of love n.爱做的事   a love match 爱情结合的婚姻   babe of love 私生子   be blinded by the love of gain 利令智昏   be dead gone in love 坠入情网   be greedy of love 渴望爱情   be in love 恋爱   be in love with v.与...恋爱,迷恋   calf love n.口雏恋,幼恋(指少男少女之间短暂的爱情)   love story的例句:   1.Read more about william and kates love story.   点击这里阅读更多关于威廉和凯特的爱情故事。   2.Its a long, winding love story to the city you live in.   对于你居住的城市的来说,它是一个悠长的、缠绵的爱的故事。   3.I guess our love story will never be seen.   我想我们的爱情不会被搬上宽银幕。   4.This is the love story of bento and capitu, told in the first person and for good reason known as the brazilian othello.   该书描写bento和capitu之间的故事,以第一人称叙述,被誉为巴西的《奥赛罗》实不为过。   5.Bnd this life our love story will not change.   此生的恋爱故事不会再转变。 let down 1.使失


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