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词汇精选:HURTStudents in my regular daytime classroom are studying health care this week, so the word “hurt” has come up several times recently.这周,我班上的学生正在学习医疗保健相关的内容,所以最近常常遇到“hurt”这个词。1. The verb “hurt” can be transitive or intransitive. A transitive verb is followed by an object:动词“hurt”既可以是及物的,又可以是不及物的。作为及物动词时,后面要接宾语,意为“伤害,使受伤”。Joe hurt his back. (The word “back” is an object.)乔弄伤了自己的背。Rita hurt her finger. (The word “finger” is an object.)丽塔弄伤了自己的手指。2. An intransitive verb doesn’t require an object. The sentence can end with the verb:作为不及物动词时,后面则不需要接宾语,意为“疼痛”。句子可以以该动词结尾。Joe’s back hurts.乔的背受伤了。Rita’s finger hurts.丽塔的手指受伤了。My eyes hurt.我的眼睛受伤了。(Notice the difference between the singular and the plural in the present tense?)(注意到一般现在时态中单数和复数的区别了吗?)3. You often hear “hurt” in the passive voice:“hurt”常被用在被动语态里。Joe’s back was hurt in an accident.乔的背是在一场事故中弄伤的。Several people were hurt in the fire.许多人在这次火灾中受伤了。His feelings were hurt by the girl’s rude comments.那个女孩无礼的评论让他感到很受伤。Their chances of getting a loan have been hurt by their poor credit history.他们的不良信用历史使得他们没有机会获得贷款。4.?The verb “hurt” can also be used to describe a problem:“hurt”也可以用来描述出现的问题,意为“产生不良影响”。He hurt his chances of getting the job by arriving at the interview late.面试迟到让他失去了得到这份工作的机会。High oil prices hurt the economy.高昂的油价导致了经济不景气。High prices on food hurt consumers.高涨的食品价格伤害了消费者。A long separation can hurt a relationship.长期的分离会破坏一段关系。It doesn’t hurt to practice before a game. In fact, it improves the team’s chances of winning.在比赛前练习并没有什么不好。事实上,这能够提升一支队伍的胜算。5. There’s one last thing to mention. The verb “hurt” is irregular, so sometimes it’s difficult to determine the tense of the verb:还有一点值得一提,“hurt”是个不规则动词,有时候很难判断它的时态:原型simple: hurt过去式past: hurt过去分词past participle: hurt?My feet hurt right now. (present tense, plural 一般现在时,复数)我的脚现在受伤了。?My feet hurt yesterday. (past tense, plural 一般过去时,复数)我的脚昨天受伤了。?My feet have hurt for the last week. (present perfect tense, plural 现在完成时,复数)从上个礼拜起我的脚就已经受伤了。?Her tooth hurts. (pr


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