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FATCA Declaration to confirm the status of the funds you hold on behalf of your clients 確認閣下代客戶所持資金地位之FATCA聲明 Bank use only 銀行專用 Customer Name Customer Number 客戶名稱 客戶編號 Customer Address 客戶地址 Customer Permanent Residence/Registered Address (if different from the above address) 客戶永久住址╱ 登記住址 (如與上址不同) Your Permanent Residence/Registered Address is the address of where you are treated as resident for tax purposes, or, if not applicable, the address of your principal office 閣下的永久居住地╱註冊地址是就稅務而言為閣下被視為居民的地址,或(如不適用)則為閣下的主要辦事處地址 I/We confirm that my/our account Please insert the name of the account is established in connection with: 本人╱吾等確認,本人╱吾等的賬戶 請填寫賬戶名稱 是為以下事項而開設的﹕ A. A court order or judgment; or 法院命令或判決;或 B. A sale, exchange, or lease of real or personal property, provided that the account meets the following conditions: 出售、交易或租賃土地或非土地財產,惟賬戶須符合以下條件﹕ 1. The account is funded solely with a down payment, earnest money, deposit in an amount appropriate to secure an obligation of one of the parties directly related to the transaction, or a similar payment, or with a financial asset that is deposited in the account in connection with the sale, exchange, or lease of the property; 賬戶的資金純粹為首期付款、訂金、存款,其金額是為保證與交易直接有關的一方的責任之適當金額,或類似付款,或為有關銷售、交易 或租賃財產而存入賬戶的金融資產﹔ 2. The account is established and used solely to secure the obligation of the purchaser to pay the purchase price for the property, the seller to pay any contingent liability, or the lessor or lessee to pay for any damages relating to the leased property as agreed under the lease; 賬戶的開設及使用純粹為保證買方支付財產購買價的責任、賣方支付任何或然負債的責任,或出租人或承租人就租賃協定的有關租賃物業的 任何損毀作出付款的責任﹔ 3. T


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