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doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1744.2016.01.012 阿舍勒铜矿粗骨料充填料浆流动性能研究 邓代强1,2 (1.中南大学 资源与安全工程学院,长沙 410083;2.长沙矿山研究院有限责任公司长沙 410012.国家金属采矿工程技术研究中心,长沙 410012 摘 要:采用流动性模拟试验的方法,破碎废石与戈壁集料作为粗骨料的充填料浆的流变性能,充填料浆流变参数随着破碎废石的加入有降低的趋势,相同浓度条件下,加入破碎废石的料浆流动阻力虽有所降低,但其保水性与和易性变差,不易形成稳定流体,且大颗粒破碎废石通常呈现不规则状,滑动摩擦较戈壁集料颗粒的滚动摩擦更容易造成管道磨损,因此充填骨料中不宜掺入破碎废石。 关键词:戈壁集料流动性模拟试验破碎废石钢渣水泥;管道磨损;滑动摩擦 中图分类号:T; TD862 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2095-1744(2016)0-0000-00 Coarse Aggregate Filling Slurry Flow Property of Ashele Copper Mine DENG Dai-qiang1,2,3, LI Xi-bing1, YAO Zhong-liang2,3, KANG Rui-hai2,3, YU Wei-jian1, WANG Xu2,3, PENG Liang2,3 (1.School of Resources and Safety Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China; 2.Changsha Institute of Mining Research Co., Ltd, Changsha 410012, China; 3.National Engineering Research Center for Metal Mining, Changsha 410012, China) Abstract: The flow performance of the filling slurry with Gobi material and broken rock as the aggregate in Ashele Copper Mine is investigated by the mobility numerical test. The results show that the rheological parameters of the filling slurry are decreased with the dosage increase of the broken rock as the aggregate. Although the flowing resistance of the filling slurry with broken rock as the aggregate is decreased in the same solid concentration, the abilities of the water retention and the mixability are reduced, so the the stable flow is difficult to maintain. Furthermore, some broken rock is always with the irregular shape, and the pipe wearing is more serious by the sliding friction of the broken rock with the irregular shape than that by the rolling friction of the Gobi material. Therefore, the broken rock is not suitable to be used as the the aggregate of the filling slurry. Key words: filling slurry; Gobi material; mobility numerical test; broken rock; steel residue cement; piping wearing; glide rubbing 为最大限度地回收资源及控制地压,许多矿山都在进行着充填开采,在近些年来倡导的可持续发展情势下,矿山企业须在力求降本的同时兼顾保护环境,因此需进行一些相关的技术开发研究[1-5]。作为采空区处理最有效方法之一的充填开采技术,其管道输送研究内容非常必要[6-7],


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