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2008 5 M ay 200 8 34 5 Journa l o f Be ijing U nivers ity of A eronautics and A stronautics V o.l 34 N o5 宋 晗 陈宗基 ( , 100083) 为管理面向全飞行任务的智能驾驶员辅助系统知识库, 提出基于任务 解 的 级递阶结构. 知识库递阶结构 为 任务判定级情况域判定级辅助执行级. 结合战斗机 编队作战任务及其攻击视距外空中目标的典型任务阶段具体 析设计知识库结构. 基于专家 系统软件工具CL IPS( C L anguage Integrated Product ion System ) 设计知识库递阶结构软件模型, 实现了辅助系统知识库的 级模块化, 缩小推理空间, 提高搜索效率, 便于知识库的开发维护 和重用. 通过仿真系统的搭建和运行, 验证了递阶结构的合理性和可实现性. 智能辅助系统; 专家系统; 知识库; 递阶结构 TP 182 A ( 2008) H ie ra rch ica l know ledge base in inte lligent p ilots ass istant system Song H an Chen Zongji ( S chool of A utom ation S cien ce and E lectrical E ngineering, B eijing U n iv ers ity of A eronau tics and A stron aut ics, Beijing 100083, Ch ina) Abstract: T o rea lize know ledge base o f intelligent p ilots assistant system during the fu ll flight course, hi erarch ical arch itecture based on task decom position w as adopted. The hierarch ical know ledge base w as pro posed taskjudg ing level, f ieldjudging leve l and aidingm ak ing level. Coop erative team com bat m ission o f fighter aircraft w as analyzed em ph atically. A nd 14 subtask sw ere def ined accord ing to the flight phase, situ a t ion and objective. The subtask, attack air target beyond v isu al range, w as stu died. The subtask w as dis jo inted by 5 fields on the tmi e dmi ension or sp atial d mi en sion. M odules arch itecture o f the h ierarch ica l know l edge base w as established by the exp ert system sofwt are too l C langu age integrated produ ction system ( CL IPS). The effectiveness and the feasib ility o f hierarch ica l architecture are dem on strated by the distributed rea


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