华南区天空亮度分布的观测研究1 Observation of the Sky Luminous.PDF

华南区天空亮度分布的观测研究1 Observation of the Sky Luminous.PDF

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华南区天空亮度分布的观测研究1 Observation of the Sky Luminous

华南区天空亮度分布的观测研究1 1 2,3 2 2 马源 边宇 陈建华 遇大兴 (1.广东工业大学建筑与城规学院,广州 510090;2.华南理工大学建筑学院,广州 510640; 3.华南理工大学亚热带建筑科学国家重点实验室,广州 510640;) 摘 要:本文阐述了通过图像采集进行天空亮度分布研究的方法,装有鱼眼镜头的 数码相机通过合理曝光长期连续地采集天空图像,用程序从采集到的天空图像信息 中获取天空亮度分布情况,并经统计得出三类标准天空出现的近似频率,并以反映 其出现频率的线性分量进行叠加后分时段得出华南区的典型天空亮度分布模型 (CSRS )。文章最后通过模拟计算对CSRS 模型进行了检验。 关键词:典型天空,建筑采光,天空亮度分布 中图分类号: ***** 文献标识码:***** Observation of the Sky Luminous Distribution in Southern China Ma Yuan1 Bian Yu2,3 Chen Jianhua2 Yu Daxing2 (1. College of Architecture Urban planning, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510090, Guangdong, China; 2. School of Architecture, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 501640, Guangdong, China; 3. State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Building Science, Guangzhou 501640, Guangdong, China;) Abstract: This article mainly focus on a method to observe sky luminance distribution via sky images, adapting a fisheye lens DSLR camera to capture sky images long-term continuously with a properly exposure, and a program was developed to obtain sky luminance distribution from image, the statistical processing will indicate the occurrence of three standard sky types, and the linear component got from which superimposed the representative sky model. And finally, a serial of simulations was taken place to compare CSRS, Overcast sky and measured values at end of this article. Keywords: representative sky; building daylight; sky luminance distribution 1通讯作者:边宇 (1982- ),男,博士、讲师,email: aryubian@163.com 基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年基金项目);亚热带建筑科学国家重点实验室自主课题 (2013ZC17 );广东省普通高校优秀青年创新人才培养计划项目(2012WYM_0051 ) 引言 天空亮度的分布情况可以通过典型天 空模型(Representative Sky Model )来描述, CSRS = K (Sky ) + K (Sky ) + K (Sky )


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