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·468 · 中国骨伤 200 1 年 8 月第 14 卷第 8 期  China J Ort hop Trauma ,Aug 200 1 ,Vol . 14 ,No . 8 ·基础研究 · 针灸促进骨折愈合的红外热像图观察 张俐  张安桢  移平 (福建中医学院骨伤研究所 ,福建  福州 350003) 【摘要】 目的 通过红外热像图动态观察针灸对骨折愈合的作用 。方法  纯种新西兰家兔 52 只 , 随机分为对照组 、针刺组和艾灸组 ,在手术直视下用咬骨钳在双侧桡骨中下 1/ 3 处造成 3mm 骨缺陷的 标准骨折模型 ,造模后第二天起进行针灸治疗 。针刺组取足三里 、太溪 、曲池 、合谷 4 穴 ,艾灸组用大杼 、 肾俞 、阿是穴 ,双侧交替 ,分别在造模前及造模后对骨折局部肢体进行红外线热像仪扫描 ,并用计算机图 像处理系统计算骨折局部的温度值 。结果  术前各组皮温无明显差别 ,术后第 4 天均有降低 ,第 11 天 ( ) 时两个治疗组明显高于对照组 P 0 05 ,而第 18 天时两个治疗组明显低于对照组 。结论  针灸疗法 具有活血化瘀功能 ,能改善局部微循环而促进骨折愈合 。 【关键词】 骨折愈合  针灸疗法  红外线 UltraRedRay thermol imaging study on fracture healing treated with acupuncture and moxibustion ZHA N G L i , ZHA N G A nz hen , YI Ping . Ort hop aedics an d Trau m atolog ical I ns tit ute of Fuj ian Colloge of ( ) TCM Fuj ian Fuz hou , 350003 【Abstract 】 Objective  U sing t he UltraRedRay t hermol imaging to dynamicly observe t he function of acupuncture and moxibustion on t he healing of fractures Methods  52 pure NewZealand rabbit s were ran domly divided into control group ,acupuncture group and moxibustion group . A 3mm bonedeficiency of stan dard fracture modles were produced at t he lower 1/ 3 p art of bot h radial bone wit h bone forcep s under vision . Acupuncturemoxibustion started at t he next day after surgery . Acupuncture was done at t he point s of ZU SAN L I , TA I XI ,QU CHI ,HE GU ,moxibustion was instituted at DA ZHU , SHEN SHU ,A SHI point s and was carried out on bilateral side alternatively . All rabit s had films taken wit h t he UltraRedRay t hermol imag ing machine at t he time of proand 4t h ,11t h and 18t h day after op eration . Then t he temp eratures were calcu lated at t he regions of fracture wit h t he comput


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