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A place Area/ size Location Scenery Resources Climate Economy History Population/ nationalities Possible subjects: 在…东面 lie ___ the east of(内部) lie ____ the east of (外部) lie ____ the east of… (接壤) 由…组成 consist _____= be made ___ of … = can be _________ into. .. 坐落于… be in/at/on… 被…包围着 be ___________ by/with… 在…中部 in the of… 在…脚下,顶部 at the of… located/ situated 1.Location: in on to of up divided surrounded center top/ foot 2.Size/ area: cover/have an … 1,000,000 square kilometers… The of …is …,etc. 3. Population and Nationalities: 民族 汉族 壮族 有…人口的国家 人口众多/很少 …有着…的面积 occupy /take up size nationality the Han nationality / the Han people the Zhuang minority a country a population of… have a population with large/ small area of 4.History: has/with a long history of … years The history of …is… 有着…年的历史 追溯到 dates back to China is a country a history of more than 2000 years. Egypt a very long history. with has The history of the town the Middle Ages. 5.Scenery: 以…而出名 作为…而出名 有许多风景名胜 有着迷人的风景 have attractive landscapes / scenery be famous/ well-known for be famous/ well-know as have many famous places of interest/ tourist attractions 6.Resources: be rich /abundant in … 在…方面丰富 在...方面匮乏 be poor in … be short of … lack … 7.Climate: be very/quite/ extremely cold (hot…) be mild (warm… )all the year round like spring all the year round 7.Climate: 7.Climate: 终年严寒 气候温和 四季如春 8. Economy 发达国家 发展中国家 developed country developing country 经济发展迅速 …economy has been developing rapidly … business is booming Shenzhen is located in the south of Guangdong Province, neighboring Hong Kong. The city ha


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