
装载机销轴断裂分析 - 失效分析与预防.PDF

装载机销轴断裂分析 - 失效分析与预防.PDF

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装载机销轴断裂分析 - 失效分析与预防

2009 8 August, 2009 4 3 Vo.l 4, No. 3 , , ( 广西柳工机械股份有限公司, 柳州545007) [ ] CAE: , , , , , , , , , , , [] ; ; ; ; [] T 243 [] A [] 1673-6214( 2009) 03-0156-05 F racture Analy sis on P in s of Load er MENG Q iu-hong, DENG Ying-zhang, Z ANG Li (Guangx i L iug ong M ach inery Co., L td., L iuzhou 545007, Ch ina) A bstrac t: Several pins fractured during service at the sameposition. Two of them were investigated. The failure cause of the pins was analyzed by fracture surface observation, chemicalcomposition analysis, metallurgicalstructure and hardened case depth ex- amination, and stress analysis by CAE. The results show that the fracture of the pinsmainly resulted from the mi proper location of the oil holes. The oilholeswere random located in thepins. If the oilholewas located in the sideunder the effectof themax-i mal bending stress, stress concentration effect of the oilholewould lead to overlarge stress at theportof the oilhole. As a result, fatigue cracks initiated at theport of the oil orifice. In addition, lower fatigue resistance resulting from thinner hardened case is another cause for the early fatigue fracture of thepins. According to the analysis above, the smi ilar fatigue fracture of the pins can be avoided by locating the oilholes in the side under the effect of the lower bending stress and increasing the depth of the surface hardened cases. K ey w ord s: loader; pin; fracture; oilhole; hardened case : ( 229~ 302 B) y y 0 y ( 48~ 55 RC,


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