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C h a- 茶 C h a n 餐 - T e n 廳 g W o 崇 r s h i p 拜 香港建築中心主辦 建築師黎東耀主講 Organised by Hong Kong Architecture Centre Speaker Mr. Stan Lai, HKIA © 2005.10 All rights reserved 香港建築中心 ‧建築走近市民 Hong Kong Architecture Centre T 2805 7146 | 6222 0229 F 2519 6011 E architecturecentre@ W 鳴謝 Acknowledgement 贊助-珠海學院建築學系 Sponsored by Department of Architecture, Chu Hai College of Higher Education .hk/ch/content/faculty/science/arch/ 短片製作-Film Production by Mr. Jeremy Wong Videospace 場地支持-美都餐室黃小姐 Venue Support- Mido Cafe, Ms Wong 籌委小組-Organizing Committee Stan Lai, Jeremy Wong, Debbie Wong, Viola Poon 朝聖地3號 holy place no. 3 中國冰室 China Bing-Sut 301 由於中國冰室位處於一個典型香港街市的混亂攤檔群背後,使其神秘形像得以�強。 The location behind busy stalls within a chaotic street market reinforces the mysterious image of China Bing-Sut. [photo by Stan Lai] 中國冰室 開業日期: 約1963 地址 : 旺角廣東道1081 (近快富街) 中國冰室已隱藏於一個街市之中超過40年, 直至2003年,它被電影《PTU》用作一個警員 秘密夜宵食堂的場景,其獨特的室內空間方 得以曝光。它的雙層複式佈局,由地下層� 上一層陽台式閣樓組成,其實此種佈局,曾 一度是香港茶餐廳的流行空間類型。 China Bing-Sut Date of Opening: Approximate 1963 Address :1081 Canton Road (Near Fife Street) Mong Kok Hidden away in a bazaar like street market for more than 40 years, China Bing-Sut was relatively unknown 302 (下頁) to the wider community until the movie “PTU” in 一步進中國冰室,你的視線便會被樓上 的陽台式閣樓所吸引。當你一步步踏上 2003, when it was used as a secret midnight canteen 梯級時,可聽到其老木材地板發出的 for police. Its unique “double-storey” interior, with 聲音。 The balcony of the mezzanine floor will a balcony like - mezzanine floor overlooking the attract your a


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