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提 纲 全面开展生物多样性调查 强化生态环境影响评价 自然保护区建设成果喜人 外来物种防治力度逐渐加大 部门合作日趋加强 不断推进生态文明创建工作 加大生物多样性保护宣传力度 2010年9月 September, 2010 湖南省环保厅Hunan EPD 长沙Changsha 生物多样性保护 我们在行动 We are working on the protection of biodiversity 生物多样性调查 investigation of biodiversity 湖南省环保厅组织长沙环境保护职业技术学院、中南林业科技大学、湖南师范大学、湖南省农业资源与环境保护管理站从2008年开始,开展了为期两年的调查。 Environmental Protection Department of Hunan Province organized Professional Technology College of Changsha Environmental Protection, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Hunan Normal University and agriculture resources and environmental protection station of Hunan province to carry out two-year investigation since 2008. 生物多样性调查 investigation of biodiversity 我省水热条件优越,环境多样,生物多样性丰富,动植物种类共有6254种。其中维管束植物5361种,脊椎动物有893种。 Our hydrothermal condition is excellent with environmental diversity and biodiversity, plant and animal species reached 6254 kinds, among them, 5361 kinds of vascular bundle plants and 893 kinds of vertebrates. 特别是鸟类数量众多,共435种,中国发现的9种鹤湖南就有4种,在洞庭湖越冬的小白额雁占了全世界90%。 Especially for total 435 kinds of birds, 9 kinds of crane in China, and our kinds are in Hunan, anser erythropus in the Dongting Lake in winter should account for 90% of the world. 我省境内中国特有种目前记录的数量为2989种。 Chinese special species of our province is recorded as 2989 kinds. 生态环境影响评价 Assessment of ecological environmental impact 对于风电项目,鸟类影响评价“打头阵”。我省正在建设和筹建的风电项目已有4个,均委托权威专家进行了鸟类观测、模拟和评价,并编制风电建设对飞禽的影响评价报告。 其中位于洞庭湖城陵矶区域的华能风电项目,更是进行了长达6个月的观测,还到了上海崇明岛以及内蒙古达里风场进行类比分析。“鸟评”过关了,才能继续做环评。 For wind power project, birds impact should be the first factor. Four wind power projects of our province have been contructing and preparing, which made birds observation, simulation and evaluation by quthority experts and prepared for birds impact assessment report on wind power project. Huaneng wind power project located in the Chenglingji district of Dongting Lake region, which made birds observation for six months, and compared with Chongming island of Shanghai and Dali wind field of Inn


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