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24 3 Vol. 24, No. 3 2004 5 ACTA SCIENTIAE CIRCUMSTANTIAE May, 2004 :2004) :X7013 : A 赵 博, 佟会玲 , 陈昌和 ( , 100084) : , . , , , , , SO CaO . 100~ 5000 nm , 2 , ,600 300 , . 600 300 . : ; ; Experimental study on effect of sorbent pore structure by steam activa tion in the medium temperature desulfurization process ZHAO Bo, TONG H iling, CHEN Changhe ( Department of Thermal Engineering, Tsingh a University, Beijing 100084) Abstract: In the medi mtemperat re des lf rization process, the spent sorbent reactivated by the steam co ld increase the calci m tilization markedly. In order to st dy the mechanisms of the steam reactivation, the fixed bed reactor was adopted with the sorbernt carried on the glass cotton to prevent its attrition and fragmentation in the traditional fl idizing bed. The pore str ct re of the sorbent before and after steam reacti vation was compared and analyzed, res lts s ggested that the steam reactivation improved the pore distrib tion and prod ced morefragments in the sorbent, and red ce the diff sion resistivity thro gh the prod ct layer accordingly, and make the SO and nreacted CaO contact and react 2 more favorably. It was also verified that the medi m pores play an m ch more important part than the micro pores in the des lf rization pro cess. F rthermore it was discovered that morefragments and more space betw een the sorbent particles was prod ced in the des lf rization at 600 than at 300 . It therefore s ggested that the pore str ct re of the sorbent co ld explain the higher calci m tilization for des lf rization at 600 than that at 30


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