小议在数学教学中怎样渗透法制教育(Discussion on how to infiltrate the legal education in Mathematics Teaching).doc

小议在数学教学中怎样渗透法制教育(Discussion on how to infiltrate the legal education in Mathematics Teaching).doc

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小议在数学教学中怎样渗透法制教育(Discussion on how to infiltrate the legal education in Mathematics Teaching) Discussion on how to infiltrate the legal education in Mathematics Teaching [Abstract] legal education is an important part of quality education, it is related to whether the future citizens with understand and abide by the law, usage of quality. Therefore, it is particularly important to strengthen the infiltration of legal education in subject teaching. First of all, teachers should do well in their own construction, improve their legal quality, and give full play to their personal charm in the teaching process. Secondly, we should master the principles and practices of infiltration. Third, we should fully explore the legal factors in mathematics textbooks. Fourth, we should pay attention to the content of the legal education, contact the students actual life, seize the opportunity and carry out the infiltration. Key words: mathematics teaching; infiltration; legal education; children are the hope of the nation; the growth of young children is the foundation of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The education of young children is not only science, culture, knowledge, education, but more importantly, ideal, moral and legal education. The essence of modern education is people first, and pursue all-round development. The purpose of education is to cultivate high-quality people who can adapt to society, conform to social development and be able to survive in society, instead of purely practical knowledge. Science has proved that many of the basic qualities that affect ones life, behavior, or achievement are formed in the student days. Especially in primary school, students are in the stage of physical and psychological growth and development, physical and mental development is not perfect, it is vulnerable to all sorts of bad behavior and ideas in society. The legal education is an important part of quality education, it is related to whether the future citizens wi



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