白宫记者提问技巧分析(White House reporter questioning skills analysis).doc

白宫记者提问技巧分析(White House reporter questioning skills analysis).doc

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白宫记者提问技巧分析(White House reporter questioning skills analysis) This thesis is a periodical achievement of the project of Guangzhou philosophy and social science, Guangzhou news media supervision and the construction of sunshine government, item No. 09Q22. Former White House spokesman Ali Fleischer once mentioned that the White House press corps is the toughest, sharpest, and most skeptical vote anyone can ever have. They are the elite of the industry. The White House press conference and press conference are the best platforms for White House journalists and speakers to fight and to play games with each other. The author tries to comb the questions of White House reporters from several presidential press conferences held since Obama administration in order to help the press spokesman system in our country. Many problems are closely linked The White House presidential press conference usually takes 1 hours. Apart from the short opening speech of the president, there are usually only 12 to 13 questions left for journalists. Therefore, it is important for every journalist who gets a chance to ask as many questions as possible in the shortest possible time. Questions from White House reporters usually consist of two or three questions. The author made a statistical survey of the first press conference after Obama took office in February 9, 2009. At the press conference, a total of 13 journalists got the chance to ask questions, of which only 3 journalists posed a question, and 10 journalists posed more than two questions. Of the 10 journalists, 5 journalists had 3 small questions, and 2 journalists had more than 4 small questions. Lets look at one example: in February 9, 2009, at his first press conference at Obamas office, Reuters reporter Caren Bohan got a chance to ask questions. My question is about the United States foreign policy, he asked. What is your strategy in Iraq? When will you begin to implement the strategy? Will the election in Iran affect your plan? For y



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