名门俏新娘(A pretty bride).doc

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名门俏新娘(A pretty bride) Questioner adoption 2009-06-25 14:34, a choice of 1, dragonfly development heterometabolous development, the development of a period of less than what complete metamorphosis () A, B, C, egg larva pupa and adult D 2, since 1970s, the new achievement in the new progress of biological science, such as bamboo shoots after a spring rain, emerge in an endless stream. To solve infertility, the worlds first test tube baby was born in 1978. To prove that the nuclei of highly differentiated animal cells remained totipotent, the first cloned animal, Dolly, appeared in 1997. Test tube baby and cloning of animal reproduction is () A. belong to sexual reproduction B. the former belongs to sexual reproduction, which belongs to the asexual C. are asexual D. the former belongs to asexual reproduction, sexual reproduction, which belong to 3 bovine somatic cells contain 30 sets of chromosomes, chromosome number of sperm and egg cells should () A, 30 for B, 15 for C, 15 D, 30 and 4, about the gene description is correct (A.) gene exists only in germ cells of B. gene in the chromosome number and the number of C. gene in germ cells into a single character D. the material is composed of a gene control of 5, Chinas marriage law prohibiting consanguineous marriage, because of consanguineous marriage (A.) offspring easy infectious disease B. offspring are back to genetic disease The survival rate of C. offspring is very low, and D. offspring have a 6 increased chance of genetic disease. Albinism is a common recessive genetic disorder. One of the parents of a genetically associated Bb is normal. Then, the possibility of the onset of their children (two) is 25% B. 50 C. A. gene of 75% D. 7, a cell, were located on chromosome two, is right in the following diagram (8), agriculture with radiation or drug treatment of crop seeds, obtain the principle of new varieties is ray or (A.) drug directly changed B. certain traits in crop plants changed C. nutrients in crop seed elimi


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