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5 4 V o.l 5
2009 8 Chinese Journal o f U nderground Sp ace and Eng ineering A ug. 2009
( 200092)
: 水平煤层采空区顶板长厚比 一般不满足薄板理论要求 而分析和设计 多以薄板
理论为依据为了实现精细化分析和设计 基于符拉索夫厚板理论 研究了两种常见的顶板失
效模式 (受拉破坏和冲切破坏) 并分别推导了顶板破坏的临界厚度因为水平煤层顶板较
厚 其自身重力的影响已不能忽略为了使得荷载更为精确 在分析过程中不仅考虑了上覆岩
层荷载 而且还考虑顶板自身重力的影响最后以马脊梁矿为例 计算了该矿体顶板的临界厚
度 并与实际顶板厚度进行比较 两者具有一致性 为进 一步研究顶板破坏机制和制定相关规
: 符拉索夫理论; 顶板; 破坏机制; 临界厚度
: TD 325 : A : 1673- 0836 ( 2009) 04- 0 659 - 05
Determ ination of Critical Thickness of Stiff Roof
in CoalM ine Based on Thick Plate Theory
HE Gu ang- ling
(Deparrm ent of Building Eng ineering, Tongj i University, Shanghai 200092, China)
Abstract: G enerally the design o f stiff roo fs in co al m ine is b ased on thin plate theory though the leng th/
thickness ratio o f stiff roo fs u sua lly can not m ee t the requ irem ents of th in p late theory. In order to carry out the e labo-
rate design o f stiff roofs wt o tota lly diffe rent kinds o f fa ilure m odes ( ten sile fa ilure and punch fa ilure) of stiff roofs
are ana lyzed and the critical th ickness of stiff roofs is obta ined in V o lasov s theo ry ( thick plate theo ry) . A s the influ-
ence of the stiff roo f s grav ity is no t neg lig ib le not only the gravity o f the cove ring but a lso the grav ity of the stiff roo f
itse lf is con sidered to determ ine exaetly the ref ined loads. F inally the M ajiliang coa lm