
钟楼及鼓楼The Bell Tower sng The Drum Tower.ppt

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钟楼与鼓楼 The Bell Tower and The Durm Tower 大家好!我们是来自陕西师范大学附属中学高二二班的韩会东、王靖淅、刘馨怡。下面有我们来为大家介绍钟楼与鼓楼 Hello everybody!We are Han Huidong,Wang jingxi,Liu xiyi from The highschool aftiliated to Shannxi Normol University Class 2 Senior grade 2.Now we are going to introuduce The Bell Tower and The Durm Tower. 在西安繁华的东西南北四条大街交汇处,巍然屹立着一座雕梁画栋、气势雄伟的古典建筑物,它古时用来在清晨敲钟报时,故称钟楼从建成之日起,钟楼就一直被看作是古城西安的象征,现为陕西省重点文物保护单位。 In the downtown area of Xian at the intersection where the North,South,East and West Streets meet,stands a magnificent classical building.With carved beams and painted rafters,its known as the Bell Tower.It has gained its name from the function it used to perform,to tell the time in the morning.Ever since its establishment,the tower has become the symbol of Xian.Now it is a historic monument in Shaanxi Province. 钟楼始建于1384年。最初位于西大街的迎祥观。当时,这里是西安城的中心。公元1582年,西安城扩建,钟楼位置偏到城西侧,于是将原来的钟楼拆掉,在扩大了的西安城正中,重新修建了钟楼。 The Bell Tower was first built in 1384 in the Yingxiang Temple which used to be located in the center of the city.The tower was moved to its present place in 1582 as a result of the city expansion programme. 关于钟楼,民间流传着种种神奇的传说。明朝关中几次发生地震,死伤几万人。于是就有人说,西安市中心有一条大川流过,川中有条蛟龙在兴风作浪,因此引起了地震。西安知府对此话深信不疑,即命全城铁匠赶制了一条百余丈的铁链,将蛟龙锁住沉入川底。后又征用5000名能工巧匠,在蛟龙被锁住的市中心夜以继日地赶俢钟楼,以便将蛟龙牢牢地锁压川底,使它再无法兴妖作怪。说也奇怪,自从修了这座钟楼,西安也就再没有发生过地震。 There have been various legendary tales about the Bell Tower.In the Ming Dynasty tens of thousands people were killed in several earthquakes on Central Shaanxi Plain.People said that a gigantic dragon in the huge undercurrent that flowed beneath the city caused all those quacks. When the goverer of the city heard this,he ordered all the smiths in the city to make a chain 300 meters long to chain the dragon at the bottom of the under-current,right in the center of the city.He then ordered 5,000 skillful craftsmen to build the tower over the place where the dragon was chained so that it would be weighed down to the bottom of t


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