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第10 卷第3 期 安徽职业技术学院学报 Vol. 10 No. 3 2011年9 月 JOU RNAL OF A NHUI VOCAT IONA L T ECH NICAL COLLEGE S p. 20 11 杜江淮 ( , 2300 11) : , , , , : ; ; ; : T G4441 : A : 1672-9536( 2011) 03-00 17-05 Abstract: In th l ctronic ass mbly, th manual sold ring is an ss ntical op ration m thod in th sci ntific r w ord and r pair, sp cially in th pr oducts mad in th mult-i vari ty, th small batch situa- tions and th l ctr ical applianc s s rvic s. T h pap r analyz s th t chnical l m nts, th k ys of proc ss control, and flaw s and r asons in th manual w lding , fr om th ngin ring and t aching proc ss, and points out th m thods to r duc th flow s in ord r to improv th quality and r lialility of practical manual w lding. Key words: manual w lding; iron; ss ntial craft factor ; w lding quality , , ( ) , , , , , , , , , : , 1 , , , 12 扩散 11 润湿 , , , : 2011-02- 19 : ( 1974- ) , , , , : 18 安徽职业技术学院学报 第10 卷 , , 22 焊料 , ,


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