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21 2 V o l. 21, N o. 2 2005 6 W ORLD EARTH QUAKE ENG IN EER ING Jun. , 2005 : 1007-6069 ( 2005) 02- 0159- 08 林建生 林子健 陈俊峰 (, 362000) : 1604 7. 5 , , : : P315. 9 : A The ancient great earthquake and earthquake-resistance of the ancient buildings ( towerstemplesbridges) in Quanzhou city L IN J ian-sheng L IN Z i-jian CHEN Jun-feng ( Engin eering Seism ic R esearch C en ter of Fu jian prov ince, Seism ological Buresu of Fu jian , Q uanzhou 362000, Ch ina) Abstract: In th is paper, som e ant-i se ism ic problem s o f ancient bu ildings are stud ied, these anc ient bu ild ings su ch as tow erstem ples and bridges w ere hit by the 1604 great earthquake o fM S 7. 5 in Quanzhou sea area and h ave been retained to now. The influences o f the earthquake upon these ancien t bu ildings and the prob lem sw ith re lation to the field featurestru cture design sm aterial streng th and con struct ion techno logy are a lso d iscu ssed . K ey words: anc ient bu ild ings of Quanzhou the anc ient grea t earthquakes earthqu ake-resistance of structures 1604 7. 5 ( 24. 6 119. 1, 1) , 65km, ( , 73) , , , , , , 1607 1609 5. 3( 24. 9 118. 7) 5. 8 ( 24. 8 118. 8) , 12km 26km, , 1604 , 1 : 2005- 02 - 18 : 2005 - 05 - 20 : ( 1953- ) , , , , . 160 21 , , , 1604 2 , , , , , , , , ( 1 1) , 1 ( )


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