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综述与专论 小胶质细胞极化在多发性硬化发病中的作用机制研究进展 张 明1,2,刘江红2,洪 浩1, , 尹琳琳2 中国药科大学药理学教研室,南京 210009;2.首都医科大学宣武医院,北京 100053) [摘要] 多发性硬化(multiple sclerosisMS)【中图分类号】R33【文献标识码】A【文章编号】1671-7856(201)-0000-00 Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-7856.2016.04.000 Advances in research of the role of microglia polarization in the mechanisms of pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis ZHANG Ming1,2, LIU Jiang-hong2, HONG Hao1, , YIN Lin-lin2 Department of Pharmacology, China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing 210009, China; 2. Department of Pharmacology, Xuan Wu Hospital of Capital Medical University, Beijing, 100053) [Abstract] Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system (CNS) characterized by demyelination and inflammation lesions. MS predominantly affects young adults with high incidence of disability. However, the exact pathogenesis of MS is still not clear. Studies found that microglia polarization tending to pro-inflammatory M1-like state during the onset of MS, causing the M1/M2 ratio imbalance, forming pro-inflammatory microenvironment state, and which further leading to nervous tissue damage ultimately. Microglia polarization may be considered as the initiator of pathologic alterations by releasing pro-inflammatory cytokines and secondarily trigger the initial microglia response. Given the pivotal role of imbalanced microglia polarization in MS initiation, a critical review of microglia polarization is presented here, in order to elucidate the pathogenesis of MS and highlight the noteworthy candidate therapeutic targets for clinic treatment. [Key words] Microglia polarization; Multiple sclerosis; Central inflammatory reaction; Pathogenesis; Treatment 【基金项目】国家自然科学基金项目81301208)(2014-3-052) 【作者简介】 张明(1989),: (010)E-mail: mingzhangmingzhang@126.com 【通讯作者】 尹琳琳(1977):(010E-mail: yinll913@126.com( 1962-),男,博士,教授,研究方向: 神经与内分泌药理学。电话:(025E-mail: haohongc


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