有朋自远远方来来不亦乐乎 - ILTMcom.PDF

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有朋自远远方来来不亦乐乎 - ILTMcom.PDF

  “You peng zi yuan faang laii bu yi lee h u” 有 朋 自 远远 方 来来 不 亦 乐 乎 Isn’t it tthe happiest thiing in thhe worlld to haave friends coming fromm afar ? Analects by Confucius Whether yyou are a neew friend jusst arrived, or a friend from long agoo, we are all very happyy to have youu with us annd wish you the warmestt of welcomees.无论您是新新朋或是旧识,我们都都对即将与您您共度的时光光 感到十分喜悦,并且愿给予您最最温暖的照顾顾与招待。 During yoour stay we llook forwardd to sharing some of our favourite pplaces with yyou. Our gueest assistantss are very kknowledgeabble on our loocal area, Haangzhou Cityy and its surrrounding district. It is ttheir wish too assist you in making tthe most of yyour stay. Feeel free to spend some timme with themm at Fayun Place and let them helpp you create yyour own peersonalised itinerary thatt will keep you as busy oor as relaxed as you wishh. 在您停留期间,我们们十分期待与与您分享地 区区内一些美妙妙的景致。我我们的宾客助理不仅熟熟知本地丰富富 的旅游资源,并且对对于杭州城区区及周边地 区区的美食美景景皆了如指掌掌。为您在法云安缦的的假期提供帮帮 助是他们诚挚的心愿愿。因此,请请放松愉悦地地同宾客助理理共度在法云云安缦的休闲时刻,并并让他们为您您 创造一段最最个性化的行程,不管管您想要的假假期是慵懒还还是紧凑,他他们都将为您您一一实现。。 A reminder that Hanggzhou is one of the mosst popular ccities in the ccountry withh many tourrists from alll over Chinna visiting thhroughout thhe year. Wee will arrangge your itineerary to minnimize busiest times andd places, buut due to the populous nnature of thiss fascinatingg country don’t be surprised to find yourself onee of many rrather than just a few. WWeekends are particularlly busy at anny of the maajor scenic aattractions. If you are affter a more ssolitary time then please let us knoww and we cann suggest an itinerary thaat focuses onn the less freequented sitees.法云安缦缦温馨提醒:杭州是中国最受欢迎的的旅游城市之之一,每年有有无数来自全全 国各地的游客造访这这里。我们将将尽力为您安安排与繁忙时时段和地点错错开


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