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Worldwide Policy Worldwide Policy 全球政策 January 2016 January 2016 Social and Environmental Responsibility Commitment 社 會 環 境 責 任 承 諾 Electronic Industry Code of Conduct (EICC) has integrated key requirements of Social Accountability (SA) in Electronic Industries. As a global company, we have business operations worldwide with differing laws, cultures and practices; ISSI is committed to conduct business with the highest integrity and in compliance with the applicable laws. It is critical that we understand the fundamental principles of our business and adhere to standards of conduct socially, environmentally, and ethically. 電子工業行為準則 (EICC)已經納入電子行業的重要社會責任要求。作為一家全球化的 公司, 我們在世界各地不同的法律,文化和規範的背景下開展業務。ISSI 承諾以最高誠信經 營業務並遵循相關法律法規。 瞭解我公司的基本原則並且肩負社會責任,環境責任和道德責 任,謹守行業準則,是非常重要的。 As a responsible and good corporate citizen, ISSI is committed to execute and fulfill the obligations stipulated under Electronic Industry Code of Conduct in relation to the critical areas of labor, ethics, health and safety, environmental, and management scheme practice. 作為一家負責任的公司,ISSI 承諾執行並符合電子工業行為準則 (EICC) 在勞工,道德, 健康安全,環境和管理策略的各項規範。 ISSI has demonstrated compliance in each of these areas through our Company’s Values, Policies, and our Standards of Business Conduct and Ethic, adherence are as follows: ISSI 已經通過公司價值系統,政策和公司行為準則遵循下列方面的要求 Compliance with Labor laws and regulations 遵循勞動法律法規 Compliance with Corporate Governance and Code of Business Conduct and Ethics 遵循商業行為與道德規範的公司管理準則 Compliance with EHS (environment, health safety) laws and regulations: o Includes the EU Directive of Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) o Ensures environment preservation by managing and eliminating the i


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