Anatomy and Physiology II – Spring 2015 Lecture 6 - Immune .DOC

Anatomy and Physiology II – Spring 2015 Lecture 6 - Immune .DOC

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Anatomy and Physiology II – Spring 2015 Lecture 6 - Immune .DOC

Anatomy and Physiology II – Spring 2015 Lecture 6 - Immune System, Part 2 I. Antibodies – produced by B lymphocytes Five classes of antibody (Immunoglobulins) A. IgG 1. Most abundant type in blood 2. Activates complement system – series of molecules that blows holes in microbes 3. Crosses placenta (protects fetuses) B. IgM 1. Largest antibody - 5 antibody units + Joining Chain (J chain) 2. Activates complement 3. First antibody made during immune response 4. First antibody made by infants C. IgA 1. Two antibody subunits + J chain 2. Most abundant class in secretions (tears, saliva, mucus) 3. Provides mucosal immunity to nose, mouth, GI tract, urogenital system 4. Found in milk (Protects newborns) D. IgD Found on B cell surface; serves as antigen receptor E. IgE 1. Rarest antibody class 2. Found on mast cells (in tissues) and basophils 3. Causes many allergic (hypersensitivity) reactions II. Complement Systems 3 types of complement systems - contain series of proteins; many are enzymes that activate each other in a cascade One of end results is formation of the membrane attack complex – large pore that allows water to enter target, ions to exit, and target lyses. Also causes inflammatory reactions A. Classical Pathway Attacks material targeted by IgM or IgG antibodies B. Lectin-Binding Pathway Attacks microbial glycoproteins that end in a mannose sugar (ours don’t) C. Alternative Pathway – spontaneous activation; our cells block this pathway before it damages them III. Cytokines (Immune Messenger Molecules) - MOSTLY made by T helper (Th) cells A. Th1 cytokines – work well against viruses and cancer Activate macrophages, T killer cells, and natural killer cells Excess may cause autoimmunity/some allergies Inhibits Th2 cells and stimulate Th1 cells. Positive feedback mechanism Th1 cytokines associated with resistance to severe form of certain infectious diseases, like tuberculosis and leprosy and asymptomatic stage of HIV infe


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